How to Prioritize Self Care as a Busy Mom - Self Care

How to Prioritize Self Care as a Busy Mom

Self Care as a Busy Mom

Self-care is a vital part of being a well-rounded, happy and efficient mom in the Greater Toronto Area. Yet it’s often one of the last things busy moms do. Prioritizing self-care can be difficult when you have a family to take care of, a home to clean, groceries to buy, laundry to do. However, if you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be the busy mom that your family and children need.

How to Prioritize Self Care as a Busy Mom

Time is valuable for any busy mom. There never seems to be enough of it. And when you think about your priorities, making time for self-care probably may be at the bottom of your to-do list — below, kids, work, home, and family.

You are responsible for smoothening the daily lives of your family, getting your kids to the games and school, taking care of laundry, caring for wounds and more. These are just a few of the tasks we take on. At the end of each season, we plan farewell parties and make cute slideshows. Sometimes, we may even shed a tear or two when the time to say goodbye comes, even if it’s still the next season.

If you don’t take out time for yourself, you may be doing more harm than good. Stress, burnout, exhaustion and even illnesses can be more intense when self-care is nonexistent. More importantly, failure to take care of your skin, body and beyond can take a toll on your self-esteem. Doing whatever you need to do to feel good should be your priority. If going to the gym feels good, do it. Getting a facial feels good, do it. Maybe, getting some botox will make your face look brighter and tighter which will make you feel great! DO IT! Busy moms are not invincible. With time and an increase in age, your skin will begin to lose its elasticity and natural smoothness. Ageing signs like wrinkles and frown lines start showing.

A huge part of self-care for busy moms in Toronto is to carry out certain skin procedures. There are different skin procedures that can revitalize your skin and boost your beauty with zero pain.

How to Prioritize Self Care as a Busy MomBusy moms in Toronto indeed lead full lives. However, this makes the need for self-care for busy moms doubly important. Self-care isn’t taking a few short minutes to watch TV. It doesn’t stop at eating your favourite cookies at the end of the day. 

It involves taking the time to carry out certain health and wellness activities. It involves taking your supplements, having a daily skincare regimen and going for your facial treatments. In fact, the use of effective cosmetic treatments to keep you looking beautiful all season round. Before we go deeper into self-care, let’s start by defining who a busy mom is.

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Who is a Busy Mom?

A busy mom is typically a woman who never stops at anything to get things done for her family. Busy moms are a rare breed. They sleep, eat and bleed red (or whatever your team colour is). More importantly, they are always on the go. They value competition and love a good win just as much as their children do. Also, they accept every loss as a bridge to greatness and a chance to do more. 

Who is a Busy Mom?

Some even go as far as wearing personalized team-mom clothing and making unique posters to grace the biggest games. They watch in the rain, the snow, the heat and the cold. They hate to miss a game.

Generally, busy moms are versatile and always ready to get going when it comes to running the house and the family’s busy life together.


The Benefits of Self-Care For Busy Moms in Toronto

Self-care is not being selfish. As a busy mom in Toronto, it’s one of the best things you can do for your family and kids. The absence of self-care can lead to a dangerous burnout that can have severe implications for your long term health.

The only way to boost your health and effectiveness is to carry our regular self-care activities designed to help busy moms. Here are other benefits of self-care for busy moms in Toronto:

It enables you to develop a personal relationship with yourself

Taking time out every day for self-care can help busy moms develop healthy relationships with themselves. A personal relationship with one’s self is essential.

It is no secret we all are devoted to certain other people in our lives. However, without a good relationship with yourself, your relationships with friends and family will suffer. 

Taking time to stop and do something we love, allows us to check in with ourselves. As a busy mom in Toronto, self-care enables you to take a breather. You can recalibrate and ask yourself important questions like:

  • How do I feel?
  • Is this how I want to feel?
  • Am I doing what I love?
  • How can I do better?

It helps to fight fatigue and illness

Neglecting self-care practices can lead to severe fatigue and disease for busy moms in Toronto. It also decreases your ability to support and look after those who are important to us 

If you don’t look after yourself, you are more likely to fall sick. You may feel that you can’t pause taking care of your favourite people. However, remember that if you’re unwell, you’ll find it challenging to look after all those other people you want to support. This is one of the significant benefits of self-care for busy moms in Toronto.

It offers positive feelings for you

Practicing self-care produces positive feelings, which helps boost confidence and self-esteem. Most of the activities you are likely to add to your list of self-care practices will make you feel good.

Whether you choose to dance for 5minutes or meditate for 10 minutes a day, you’ll feel better and in high spirits. The more you do this, the more you’re likely to recognize that you deserve to feel good. This, in turn, will enhance your confidence and feelings of self-love.

It offers positive feelings for you

It increases productivity levels 

As a busy mom, focusing on self-care can help improve your motivation and productivity levels. It could be that you spend your time looking forward to the fifteen minutes you get at the end of the day to unwind. This way, you’re motivated to work hard to get there quicker. 

In general, the fact that you’re taking time out will leave you feeling refreshed and energized. As such, you’ll have more energy to get the other important stuff done.

It keeps you looking young and beautiful

For most busy moms, looking beautiful is a huge need. Wrinkles, frown lines, acne and other skin conditions can quickly make you look older than you really are. Sometimes, it may result in a permanently tired look that just doesn’t cut it.

As part of self-care for busy moms in Toronto, frequent visits to a medical spa in Toronto is a must. Through quick, painless sessions you can look younger again. Treatments such as laser treatment for acne scars, Botox injections, CoolSculpting and more are quick and offer natural, beautiful results.

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Self-care Tips for Sports moms: Health and Wellness

As a busy mom in Toronto, if you’re struggling to make self-care a priority, then start by prioritizing your health. This is the first part of self-care for busy moms. The second includes cosmetic treatments that will revitalize your beauty.

Prioritizing your health will allow you to carry out self-care practices you didn’t even know existed. 

Below are a few tips to help busy moms in Toronto take better care of themselves.

Understand that your health is important

Prioritizing self-care is a delicate balance. Knowing where to start with your self-care plan is the first step. Before you engage in anything else, start by taking care of your health.

If you refuse to take good care of yourself, no one else will. 

This can be a hard concept to follow when you have dirty diapers to handle and kids to put to bed. However, don’t be like those that learned the hard way that if they don’t take care of themselves, they can’t take care of their family.

By focusing on sleep, drinking enough water, exercising, taking vitamins, and enjoying a daily unwind time, you’ll be on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

Sleep regularly

Are you the type that feels like you’re losing your mind whenever you’re sleep deprived? Hands-on parenting, especially in the early stages, can be very demanding and will take up all of your sleep hours. However, you must find the time to sleep.

Being a parent isn’t an easy task, but taking your time to get quality sleep can bring more spark to your routine and lifestyle.  You can try setting a repeat alarm to remind you to sleep early and get more hours in.

Although it might be challenging to adjust to an early bed routine, you’ll end up getting used to it over time. A night of good and quality sleep always brings forth a lovely, energy-filled day. 

Drink more water

Drink more waterFrom wrinkle reduction to weight loss, drinking enough water is highly recommended as a self-care tip for busy moms in Toronto.

However, drinking more water or taking excess water can sometimes be challenging. Most doctors will recommend that you consume around 9 ounces of water every hour you’re awake. Of course, this may take some getting used to, but your body will thank you for it.

The moment your body gets used to exercising and drinking water regularly, you’ll see positive changes in your energy levels and radiance. In time, your body will naturally crave water and demand it every hour.

Add vitamins or supplements to your health routine

Vitamins and supplements also offer much-needed energy and make you feel better by replenishing your strength. In as much as you’re taking the time to relax, one important self-care tip for busy moms is to eat right.

Adding a healthy helping of fruits and vegetables to your diet can make a lot of difference. Fruits and vegetables offer a good source of vitamins for your body. Additionally, supplements can be beneficial. Ask your doctor about the right kind of vitamin supplements that will boost your diet.

Regular relaxation time

This is perhaps one of the most important self-care tips for busy moms in Toronto. No matter how busy your schedule may be, carve out time to relax regularly and stick to it.

Your proper relaxation time can be pencilled in as sleeping, meeting up with friends or reading a book at the end of the day. If you work away from home, always make time to relax before and after work. It may sound a bit awkward to find relaxation time in the morning considering the rush hours. However, it’ll help you keep your focus and prepare ahead.

Generally, saving a couple of minutes to rest your mind and relax will have a significant impact on your energy levels all day long. Regardless of when you choose to relax or unwind, proper rest is essential to your health. 

Regular relaxation time

Find a support group or go to an event

Various busy moms groups are accessible locally or online in Toronto. You can ask around your locality for nearby ones or search online for support groups for busy moms in Toronto. Also, if you are friends with parents from your kid’s school or busy group, you can always connect with them. 

A support group allows you to know that you are not alone. When you are facing hectic days that seem beyond you, you’ll always have valuable help to count on.

In fact, we’d love to have you at our ‘Self-Care for Busy Moms’ event at Canada Medlaser (Mississauga). Get your tickets here. It’s FREE.

Try a new hobby

Busy moms often lose their identity. You can avoid a scenario like this one if you prioritize engaging in a hobby. You can restart your old hobbies or try out a new one. If you’re a yoga enthusiast, you can take up your yoga sessions all over again. 

Other hobbies that you can take up include jogging, swimming and photography. Commit more minutes to things that inspire, motivate, or challenge you more to be more and do more.

Self-Care for Busy Moms: Revitalizing Your Beauty 

A simple visit to a medical spa in Toronto can make all the difference for your beauty and looks. Most busy moms in Toronto don’t realize those beauty treatments are an important part of self-care.

These treatments are quick. This means that you can fix sessions easily into an already packed schedule. More importantly, they are painless and well worth the costs. 

Here’s how cosmetic treatments in Toronto can contribute to your self-care:

They will revitalize your look 

We know those odd questions about how tired you look can be annoying. Cosmetic treatments in Toronto such as the use of dermal fillers, Botox and Dysport can really take years off your face.

As you grow older, your skin loses elasticity and Hyaluronic acid. As a result, your skin will appear loose and tired. Hyaluronic acid fillers can fill up your skin and attract water to the treatment area thereby revitalizing your looks.

Do you have questions about dermal fillers or Botox treatments in Toronto? We are a top-rated medical spa in Toronto. Contact us today.

Remove unwanted wrinkles and frown lines

Wrinkles under the eyes, in the forehead region and around the mouth can make you look older. Getting rid of unwanted wrinkles and frown lines is an important part of self-care that busy mom shouldn’t miss out on.

We design Botox treatments to target muscles that are no longer as elastic as they used to be. These muscles cause wrinkles with frequent contractions. Botox treatments cause these muscles to lose their elasticity and stay in place. 

The treatment can be used for lines and wrinkles around the eyes, mouth area, forehead, between the brows and more. The result is a smooth, wrinkle-free skin that boosts your self-esteem and confidence.

Remove unwanted wrinkles and frown lines

Get rid of acne scars

Acne scars are a long term after-effect of acne breakouts that can be ugly. Finding the time to keep up with helpful acne treatment routines can be tasking. More of them than not, these breakouts often leave with unwanted acne scars.

Your self-care efforts are not complete if you are not happy with your facial skin. Laser treatments for acne scars are effective at getting rid of these unwanted scars. With a few quick painless sessions, you can lighten the appearance of scars considerably. 

These are not the only ways in which a visit to a cosmetic spa can help you. There are different treatments that offer beautiful results for your beauty needs. Your best option is to go in for a consultation session to determine the best treatments for you. 



While you may automatically think self-care for busy moms has to do with your bodies, it also addresses your emotional and mental needs. Sometimes, self-care also includes more difficult subjects like addressing family issues, personal problems, or creating boundaries with others.

As a part of self-care, it is important that you don’t underestimate the importance of visiting a cosmetic spa in Toronto. There are different treatments that offer immense benefits for your beauty and appearance.

In conclusion, setting your mental and physical health as a priority is one of the best ways you can take care of yourself. Also, find time to take yourself out to have fun and celebrate with friends and families. It’s essential to note that whether you can spare a couple of minutes or an hour every day, it will come with long term positive benefits for you and your family.

Do you need self-care treatments for your face? Perhaps, you are wondering how you can contour your body to perfection. Our expert medical aestheticians can help you. Book a consultation session with us today!

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