PRP Hair Treatment: Is It Permanent or Temporary? - Hair Growth Treatment

PRP Hair Treatment: Is It Permanent or Temporary?

prp hair treatment

PRP hair treatment helps regrow lost hair due to damaged hair follicles and some other reasons. Platelet-rich plasma treatment, or PRP, is a therapy used by medical professionals to help accelerate or rejuvenate healing in many different places on the body. PRP has been used for a few decades to successfully treat torn ligaments, muscle injuries, and joint problems.

Recently, dermatologists and skin care health professionals experimented with PRP in anti-aging therapy and had tremendous success. Nowadays, PRP is also being used to reverse hair loss.

But does it really work?

Here’s what you need to know to determine if you should try PRP for hair loss.

What Is PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma)?

Hair loss is emotionally difficult for both men and women. Many men experience male pattern baldness at some point in their life. Women, while less common, experience hair loss often due to hormonal changes. PRP hair treatment might be the answer to seeing hair regrowth and preventing the loss of additional hair.

Platelet-rich plasma uses platelets – cells that are part of our blood, alongside red and white blood cells – which normally aid in healing and blood clotting. Researchers believe they could, in theory, extract platelets from the blood and inject them in specific sites of the body to induce a healing response.

To produce the platelet-rich plasma, a few steps need to be taken.

Step 1

When you arrive for a PRP treatment, a medical professional will take a small blood sample from a vein in your arm. Please remember that only doctors and trained medical professionals can perform any type of injection, including taking a blood sample.

Step 2

Your blood sample will be placed in a centrifuge and spun at extremely high speeds. After about 10 minutes, the blood will separate. That is because blood is made up of a number of cells and other fluids, all with different densities.

The blood will separate into three parts:

  • Platelet-poor Plasma
  • Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP)
  • Red Blood Cells

The platelet-poor plasma mainly contains the watery matrix that gives our blood its fluid-like consistency. Red blood cells aren’t used in PRP treatments. So these parts will be discarded. Instead, your platelet-rich plasma will be collected for use in the treatment.

This process is widely used and very safe.

Related article: Suffering From Hair Loss? PRP Can Help!

How Does PRP Help You Recover Lost Hair?

how does prp help you recover lost hair

Due to its high content of substances our body uses to heal injuries, PRP helps encourage tissue repair. Because your hair loss is likely due to some type of hair follicle damage, injecting the plasma into these areas seems to send a boost of healing proteins to the area and stimulate hair regrowth.

This process is proven effective for treating both male and female pattern hair loss. More importantly, it comes with fewer risks and side effects compared to Rogaine or other similar products that can cause, among others:

  • Hair growth in unwanted areas
  • Changes in heart rhythm and blood pressure
  • Congenital disabilities in unborn babies
  • Headaches
  • Contact dermatitis

Because of the efficiency and safety of PRP, it’s become a very popular option offered by dermatologists and MedSpas around the world.

Does PRP Really Work for Hair Loss?

Some studies show that PRP treatment has the potential to help you recover hair loss. While some might argue more extensive studies should be conducted before a conclusion is made, initial studies provide hope that PRP treatment can help you regrow your hair.

The largest studies for PRP’s effectiveness consist mainly of compilations of the data from smaller studies. In short, this means no large studies have been conducted. However, in the smaller studies, the evidence for a positive outcome using PRP is pretty overwhelming!

This is great news for those looking for treatment for their alopecia.

Is PRP Treatment Permanent?

It’s safe to say PRP treatment results for hair loss can last for approximately one year. Some people require multiple treatments in the beginning to see the results they desire. Unfortunately, PRP can’t cure hair loss. It can only temporarily restore your follicles’ ability to regrow hair. So, it can’t be considered a permanent solution.

The same is true of Rogaine and other hair regrowth products – they will require repeated use and are far more dangerous for your health than PRP.

What Happens at My PRP Treatment?

There’s no standard method of performing PRP, but here’s what typically happens during a treatment.

  1. A doctor or other medical professional draws blood from your arm.
  2. The blood sample is placed in the centrifuge, where it is spun and separated. Then, the platelets are collected to be used in your treatment.
  3. The platelets are injected into multiple sites on the scalp using a needle and syringe.

The procedure generally takes about an hour, and most people feel comfortable returning to normal activities afterwards. You may experience a small amount of bleeding from the injection sites, but it should subside very quickly.

You’ll likely need to return 1-2 more times in the first few months of treatment. Then, maintenance treatments will be booked. Your medical staff will be able to help you decide how often these follow-up treatments will take place.

Who Should Use PRP for Hair Loss?

Suppose you’re experiencing male or female pattern baldness, alopecia areata, hormonal hair loss, or shedding for any other reason. In that case, it is worth consulting your MedSpa or dermatologist to see if the PRP treatment is suitable for you.

Because this treatment may take 2-3 sessions to begin seeing results and needs yearly upkeep, be sure you feel confident your finances will allow you to see the results you desire.

Related article: Who Is a Good Candidate for PRP Therapy for Hair Loss?

who should use prp for hair loss

Precautions and Contraindications of PRP Treatment

Anyone selling you PRP treatments should be conducting a full health history assessment before beginning treatment to determine your eligibility and make sure PRP treatment is safe for you. While PRP treatment itself poses few risks to healthy people, there are some reasons why it may not be a safe or effective option for you.

If your lifestyle or health history shows a probability of a clotting problem, you may be denied treatment. Some of these factors are if you are on blood thinners, have a history of alcohol or drug misuse, or are a heavy smoker.

Other medical concerns may make you ineligible for treatment. Typically, these are serious health concerns, such as cancer, acute infections, liver disease, blood disorders, and skin diseases.

Be sure to report any and all health conditions before beginning treatment to protect yourself from harm.

PRP Hair Loss Treatment Might Be the Solution You Need

PRP is a semi-permanent treatment option for addressing hair loss in both men and women and provides a safe option with minimal risks.

Hair loss is an extremely devastating problem for many people. If you want a safe, drug-free, chemical-free, natural way to regrow your hair, PRP treatment may be an excellent option for you.

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