As we grow older, our skin loses its elasticity and wrinkles begin to appear. They say you can tell one’s age just by looking at them but this isn’t the case anymore. Years of sun damage can make you look older than you really are.
Luckily, the advent of dermal fillers has moved us ten steps forward in the world of anti-ageing treatments. It’s no wonder many people want to know the cost of dermal fillers.
There isn’t an ideal time to get dermal fillers or the ideal candidate for dermal fillers. As long as you notice ageing signs on your face, you can get dermal fillers. Additionally, dermal fillers are not gender-biased as anyone can enjoy their benefits.
Typically, the cost of dermal fillers in Toronto is a function of several factors. One of these factors is the experience of your injector. Getting an experienced injector can guarantee the success of your dermal filler injections. However, it can add to how much you have to pay to get dermal fillers.
Considering getting dermal fillers and unaware of the pricing? Here, we discuss the cost of dermal fillers and the different places you can use them. To cap it off, we will shine a light on how dermal fillers work as well as the different types available. Let’s get into it.
Dermal Fillers: What They Are and How They Work
Dermal fillers (also known as face fillers) are injections that contain a special gel. Typically, this gel is made from hyaluronic acid which combats volume loss in the face. By filling out lost volume in the face, dermal fillers can get rid of wrinkles caused by ageing.
It’s common to find people refer to dermal fillers as Botox. While Botox helps to reduce wrinkles by freezing the muscles, dermal fillers smoothen the skin by adding volume.
Dermal fillers as a cosmetic procedure isn’t a new concept as it has been invented as far back as the 1800s. However, it gained its popularity after it was approved by the FDA in 1981. Since then, the treatment has undergone refinements and updates to make it as safe and effective as possible.
Since its invention, it has helped to improve the contours around the face with long-lasting results. The boost of confidence you get afterwards justifies the cost of dermal fillers.
How dermal fillers work
In the human body, there is a molecule that occurs naturally. The job of this molecule is binding water and thereby enhancing lubrication in movable parts of the body.
The water also absorbs any shock in these movable parts. Not only does this molecule bind water, but it also helps in the transportation of nutrients. In addition to this, it helps the skin maintain its water balance.
What dermal fillers do is imitate this molecule. Dermal fillers act like this natural substance and boost your skin’s appearance. They help to revitalize sagging and wrinkled skin just like the molecule in the body.
Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers cause your body to increase its elastin production. Collagen and elastin are responsible for a youthful glow and skin revitalization. However, you lose about 2% of your body’s total collagen content yearly.
This makes for wrinkled, ageing skin. The introduction of hyaluronic dermal fillers into your skin can reverse this process. This is why there is usually a clear distinction in the before and after pictures for most dermal filler patients. The noticeable change to a youthful appearance makes the cost of dermal fillers worth it.
Related Article: Everything You Need to Know About Dermal Fillers
Types of Dermal Fillers: Does it Affect the Cost?
During your consultation before your treatment, your injector will offer suitable dermal fillers at different costs. The type of dermal fillers you get depends on the treatment area. However, it’s better to arm yourself with knowledge of the different types of dermal fillers.
This is one of the most popular types of fillers. The cost of Juvederm dermal fillers can be up to $600 per syringe
You can use Juvederm on several areas of the face. Also, there are different types of Juvederm.
- Juvederm Voluma XC restores the cheeks’ natural contours.
- Juvederm Ultra XC makes the lips appear plump.
- Juvederm Volbella XC helps to soften the lips vertical lines.
Juvederm’s main ingredient is hyaluronic acid. Most hyaluronic acid dermal fillers cause a little discomfort during treatments. But, it’s nothing to worry about. Part of what you pay for with the cost of dermal fillers is eased
Anesthetic lidocaine is infused in the gels which helps to ease the pain. Because hyaluronic acids are naturally found in the body, there are no risks of allergic reactions.
When hyaluronic acid enters the body, it attracts water to the skin, and as a result, plumps the area. Also, Juvederm products help to stimulate the body’s collagen production making frequent touch-ups unnecessary. Unlike your first treatment, subsequent treatments won’t need as many Juvederm syringes.
Like Juvederm, Restylane has different types, each with its unique functions. It should be said that all Restylane products help to smoothen folds on the face. They are also useful in reducing the appearance of fine lines on the face.
Restylane Silk and Restylane Lyft are the more popular forms of Restylane. The cost of these dermal fillers ranges from $400-$800.
Restylane Silk isn’t as thick as Restylane Lyft. It was specially made to enhance how the lips look. While on the other hand, Restylane Lyft which was formerly referred to as Perlane L is a thick gel used in correcting wrinkles. Cosmetic injectors also use this type of Restylane product for adding volume to the arms’ backs.
Another thing Restylane Lyft does is to flatten nasolabial folds and give the cheeks more volume. Restylane products also incorporate the use of hyaluronic acid. And just like with Juvederm, the effect of hyaluronic acid in Restylane products stimulates the production of collagen.
Unlike the other types of dermal fillers, you can’t use Radiesse on your lips. However, it is ideal for getting rid of difficult nasolabial folds. Also, you can use it to add volume to your facial contours and your cheeks. Because of its calcium component, it increases the body’s collagen production.
The cost of Radiesse dermal fillers ranges from about $650 – $800. Radiesse products contain calcium hydroxylapatite, a mineral present in the bones and teeth. Radiesse gels are thick and treatment results will require more touch-ups when compared to Juvederm and Restylane.
Sculptra Aesthetic
When Sculptra was initially invented, it was specifically for patients with HIV battling with severe facial fat loss. Nowadays, anyone who wants to add volume to their cheeks can use Sculptra. Not only does it help with volume loss, but Sculptra also helps in filling sunken or hollow cheeks. It also reduces the appearance of wrinkles and nasolabial folds.
Sculptra Aesthetic is one of the more expensive types of dermal fillers. Dermal filler treatments with this brand can cost up to $950 per syringe. This high price range is justifiable thanks to its varied application and how long the results last.
In addition to the functions above, anyone seeking to thicken their skin can use Sculptra. However, it isn’t advisable to use Sculptra dermal filler in areas close to the eyes and the lips.
Otherwise referred to as Artefill, Bellafill dermal filler comprises biocompatible microspheres and bovine collagen. The cost of Bellafill can range from $1,000-$1,500 for each syringe. It’s a cost that’s well worth it since the result of these dermal fillers can last for up to 5 years.
You may not notice Bellafill’s effect immediately as it becomes effective over several applications. The reason is, Bellafill works with the collagen present in your body to give you results. Thankfully, Bellafill doesn’t require a long time for its administration. Like other dermal fillers, Bellafill is safe and doesn’t cause any allergic reactions.
Dermal Filler Application: What Body Parts Can I Use Dermal Fillers?
Dermal filler treatments are more cost-effective than using collagen creams or taking supplements. Although the initial cost of dermal fillers is high, in the long-run, they save you money.
For nose jobs that don’t require surgery, you can use dermal fillers to give your nose a more profiled look. Also, you can use dermal fillers in your jawline and chin area. Here are some places where you can use dermal fillers.
- Under your eyes
- Nasolabial folds
- Your temples
- Your chin area
- Your cheeks
- Lips (lips augmentation)
- To smooth creases on your face
- Non-surgical nose jobs
Cost of Dermal Fillers: What Determines the Cost?
Knowing the cost of dermal fillers before opting for the treatment can save you from future surprises. With the various dermal fillers brands, there are options to choose from depending on your budget.
Typically, the cost of filler treatments ranges between $600 to $1500. The exact price may vary depending on your location and the number of treatments. Furthermore, using products that last long like Bellafill can increase the cost of dermal fillers.
While trying to work with your budget, steer clear of cheap dermal filler pricing. If the cost of dermal fillers treatment is ridiculously cheap, it’s possible the fillers are fake.
Always ask to see the dermal fillers injections to ascertain they aren’t fake or diluted. There are several adverse effects of fake dermal fillers such as the death of skin cells and infections. However, going to an experienced injector can put your mind at ease.
When finding out what the cost of dermal filler is, consider some factors. For instance, if your injector is experienced, chances are that your dermal filler treatment will cost more. Also, the location of the dermal filler clinic can impact your total bill. Here are some factors that affect the cost of dermal fillers.
Number of treatments
Typically, dermal filler clinics charge per syringe. Most of the time, you will require more than one syringe per treatment. Depending on how severe your skin’s condition is, you may have to get about four treatment sessions.
The more injections you get, the more you pay for dermal fillers. People whose faces respond quickly to the treatments won’t be required to have several treatments.
The experience of your injector
For inexperienced injectors, the cost of dermal fillers won’t be so high. The reason is they are trying to build their client base hence the reduced price.
However, experienced injectors charge more per procedure because of their expertise. With experienced injectors, there is a higher guarantee of better results.
How much it is to get dermal fillers in Toronto depends on the location of the dermal filler clinic. Medical spas located in high-brow areas charge more because of the high cost of living. Also, high operating costs are a reason why their prices are higher.
Competition between clinics may cause their prices to be more or less. In our opinion, price shouldn’t be the main determinant of your choice of medical spa. It helps to research your preferred clinics and get reviews of their services online.
Type of dermal fillers used
Restylane and Juvederm are popular dermal filler brands and their results last for about 6-12 months. For short-lasting products, frequent touch-ups are required to maintain your results.
How long a product lasts can impact the cost of dermal fillers. Typically, the more expensive one syringe of a particular dermal filler is, the longer it is likely to last.
Other factors affecting the cost of dermal fillers are:
- Discounts from your dermal filler clinic
- Treatment areas
- Effort and time required to administer the injections.
Dermal Fillers Results: What to Expect?
The results are what determines whether or not dermal filler pricing in Toronto is worth it. Depending on your treatment, dermal filler results last for as short as six months and as long as 18 months.
Also, the treatment areas determine how long the results will last. For instance, lip augmentation results typically last for about six months. The results of dermal filler injections for the lips don’t last as long because we move our mouths a lot. Consistent moving of your mouth while talking or eating can cause hyaluronic acid to metabolize quickly. For other parts of your body, the results of dermal fillers tend to last longer.
One advantage of using hyaluronic dermal fillers is that they are biodegradable and reversible. This means that you can easily melt the dermal fillers if you aren’t pleased with the results. Injectors use Hyaluronidase to melt the injected dermal filler to reverse the results.
In an hour or less, the effects of hyaluronidase take place. This way, you will go back to how you looked before the injection. However, the need for this process is rare especially when you go to an experienced injector. You will only need this correction method after a bad experience with an inexperienced injector.
Dermal Filler Aftercare
Caring for yourself after your dermal filler procedure is important in maintaining the results. It helps to know that not everyone who gets dermal fillers experience the same results. However, minor swelling and bruising are a common effect of dermal fillers. While some people have swelling for a few days, others may experience it for a longer period.
Furthermore, it’s completely normal if you have lumps around the treatment areas. Over time, the lumps will soften and disappear. Below are aftercare tips to follow:
- Avoiding heavy lotions or makeup while the treatment area isn’t fully healed.
- Avoid places with high temperatures to reduce inflammation.
- Avoid rubbing or touching the treatment areas frequently as it can irritate the skin.
- Take pain relievers if you are experiencing pains
- Avoid taking medications that have an impact on your blood, e.g Ibuprofen.
- Stay away from exercising for about two days.
- Use antiseptic creams on the treatment areas.
- Avoid taking drinks that contain alcohol for about two days.
- Don’t put pressure on your face, preferably, lie on your back.
- Avoid laser treatments, chemical peels and microdermabrasion for about two weeks after your treatment.
- Avoid using BHAs, Retinol, Vitamin C or AHAs for a day after your procedure.
Be sure to be on the lookout for any unusual symptoms. If you experience any unusual symptoms, you can consult your injector.
Related Article: Dermal Fillers Uses, Limitations and Qualifications
To Wrap It Up
“Dermal fillers cost near me” is a common question people go online to ask. Often, they are oblivious of the factors that determine the cost of dermal fillers. Not knowing these factors can result in you being ripped off or getting fake dermal fillers. Thankfully, this article discusses some of the factors affecting the cost of dermal fillers.
Here at Canada MedLaser Clinics, we offer package pricing to make the cost of dermal fillers easier on your wallet. With us, you can rewind the years and get your youthful look back. Book an appointment with our medical aestheticians today!