How to Get Rid of Double Chin | Canada MedLaser

How To Get Rid Of Double Chin

Double Chin

We all have at least one physical feature we would like gone to improve our appearance – and it often involves removing stubborn fat. The question is, how far are we willing to go to remove it? When diet and exercise fail, there are cosmetic procedures which can eliminate stubborn fat, to ensure the aesthetic appearance we seek. Unfortunately, many of these procedures involve invasive treatment with lengthy recovery and healing. Today, we are fortunate there is a fat reduction technique which does not require surgery or needles and can target certain areas for natural, smooth outcomes.

If a double chin is sapping your self-confidence, then you are likely a good candidate for CoolMini. CoolMini is CoolSculpting technology which freezes fatty tissue to contour the neck and jowl area. After these fat cells are frozen, they die, and your body expels them naturally.

CoolSculpting uses the technology cryolipolysis. The CoolSculpting procedure has earned international praise as a highly effective and safe alternative to liposuction surgery. For patients who want to eliminate a small amount of fat, CoolSculpting may offer better outcomes than the invasive liposuction – with no unpleasant suture scars or a lengthy recovery.

Can CoolSculpting Diminish My Double Chin?

A North American study reports the number of non-surgical fat reduction treatments increased by 42 percent in 2015 – proving several people are opting for a safe, noninvasive treatment to shape their bodies. Many of these people did not want dramatic fat loss; rather, they wanted to shape certain parts of their bodies – like the chin.

CoolSculpting is a popular procedure for people who want to reduce and tighten their chin area. CoolSculpting now offers the precision application CoolMini, which can target the chin area for removing that age-revealing double chin. CoolMini uses the cryolipolysis process through a smaller and more agile applicator to freeze unwanted fat cells which reside in the neck and jowl area.

Related article: CoolSculpting Toronto – Double Chins Negatively Impact People’s Lives

Is CoolSculpting Uncomfortable?

The international consensus is the CoolSculpting procedure is quick and painless. Because CoolSculpting is noninvasive, many patients return to their normal activities right after treatment.

An individual session lasts approximately sixty minutes for each body part treated and is comfortable enough to have done during your lunch hour. With this comfortable procedure, you will be able to read, use your phone, or take a nap during the session. No anesthesia is required, and little to no side effects are apparent after treatment.

You will notice a reduction in size to the treated area about three weeks after treatment, with full results, realized three to four months down the road. The results are permanent, as fat cells do not regenerate.

Your results are realized gradually over several weeks, with the outcome being less dramatic yet revealing an elegant neck contour and enhancing your beauty. Your friends and coworkers may never know you had cosmetic work done, but will compliment your younger appearance.

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