How Much Does Chemical Peel Cost in Toronto?

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If you’re looking for procedures that can enhance your skin appearance, you should consider getting a chemical peel. The cost of chemical peels is a polarising topic thanks to its many benefits. It’s an excellent treatment procedure for various skin conditions, such as acne scars, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, uneven skin tones, rough skin, lightening, and melasma.

According to statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, about 1.2 million chemical peel procedures were performed in 2020 in the United States. When performed by a licensed aesthetician, dermatologist, or plastic surgeon, the procedure is very safe and less invasive than other skin reconstruction treatments.

Chemical peels can help you achieve more attractive and younger-looking skin, which can boost your self-confidence. Fortunately, the side effects, which may include redness, swelling, peeling only last a few days and usually, disappear entirely within two weeks.

All of this is worth the effect of this treatment on your wallet. This brings us to the all-important question — how much do chemical peels cost? This article discusses the pricing model for different types of chemical peels and highlights common factors that affect the price.

chemical peel

Cost of Chemical Peels in Toronto

Chemical peels help correct various skin abnormalities and treat multiple skin conditions. If you’ve decided to get a chemical peel done, you’re probably wondering, “How much should I pay for chemical peels?”

As of 2020, the average cost of a chemical peel procedure is $644. However, this pricing can be affected by several factors.

The type of chemical peels used

The type of chemical peel can be light peel, medium peel, or deep peel. The cost of each of these varies, with light peel being the cheapest and deep peel being the most expensive. The various peel types address different skin irregularities.

The number of treatments required to achieve the targeted result

For some skin conditions, you only need to perform a chemical peel once. In contrast, others require that you repeat the procedure regularly. The number of treatments significantly affects the cost of the treatment.

Post-op skincare regimen

It doesn’t matter if the type of chemical peel you did requires a one-time cost, you still need to buy skincare products recommended by your treatment provider. The skincare products will help manage the treatment’s inevitable side effects. Hence, they add to the peel procedure’s cost. A post-op skincare regimen cost can be as high as $750 or more annually.

The severity of skin condition, skin type, and treatment goal

The cost of chemical peel is also affected by the severity of the skin condition you’re treating and your skin type. Mild skin problems like sun damage require the less expensive light chemical peel, while ageing, for instance, may require a deep peel which is more costly.

The treatment provider’s level of expertise

The cost of chemical peels varies among treatment providers. The more experienced they are, the higher their charges will likely be. Usually, there is package pricing available for peels that require multiple sessions.

Cost of different Types of Chemical Peel

The three types of chemical peel differ significantly in terms of cost. Each of them addresses varying levels of skin irregularities. The chemicals and materials used for each of them also vary.

Light Chemical Peels cost

Light chemical peels are also known as superficial peels. They are designed to penetrate the top layer of the skin. It is suitable for those who want to brighten and smoothen their skin and for people who intend to manage a case of recurring acne.

Treatment providers use alpha-hydroxy acid like glycolic acid for light peels. The procedure uses glycolic acid for softer exfoliate. Darker and sensitive skin uses alternatives like mandelic acid and lactic acid.

Light peels cannot treat severe sun damage or deeper wrinkles. They do not require post-peel downtime or propel regimen. Light peels also have fewer side effects compared to other types of peels. The procedure costs between $150 and $300, and while it is the cheapest of the three types, you must repeat the process multiple times to get the best results.

skin peel

Cost Comparison to Other Treatments

Multiple microdermabrasion or hydradermabrasion sessions produce a similar effect as a light chemical peel procedure. Microdermabrasion smoothens the topmost skin layer using a diamond-tipped mechanical device. According to the NCBI, hydradermabrasion accomplishes the same effect using water and oxygen.

Like light chemical peels, both dermabrasion techniques may require repeating the process multiple times for optimal results. Microdermabrasion costs between $75 – $200, while hydradermabrasion costs between $150 – $300.

Medium Chemical Peel Cost

A medium chemical peel affects both the upper and middle skin layers. They use slightly stronger acids like trichloroacetic acid (TCA). They can also use a combination of acids, called the Jessner’s solution, to precisely target fine lines, hyperpigmentation, and acne scars.

Most times, patients will notice a significant improvement in the skin condition after one session. However, it is advisable to get an extra session to maintain the peel’s effect or achieve desired results.  A medium peel is more expensive than a light chemical peel. It costs between $1000 – $3000 and has a 1-2 week recovery time.

deep skin peel

Cost Comparison to Other Treatments

Microneedling and laser treatments are alternative procedures that produce similar effects as medium peels. Both alternatives cost less than a medium peel procedure. Microneedling costs about $100 – $700, while laser skin treatments may cost as low as $200 to about $2000.

However, to achieve the same results as a medium peel, multiple sessions of both techniques are required. In the end, you may end up paying the same amount without getting a better result.

Deep Chemical Peel Cost

Deep chemical peels specifically target extensive sun damage and deep wrinkles caused by ageing. It is a medical procedure that requires sedation and several weeks of follow-up visits to the clinic to monitor the healing process.

The procedure requires the use of a stronger acid like phenol. The acids penetrate the middle layer with greater efficiency and remove damaged skin cells in the process.

Deep peels are the most expensive peel type, costing from $2500 to as much as $6000. The procedure causes extreme changes in your skin; hence, it is needed only once in your lifetime.

Cost Comparison to Other Treatments

Like other types of peels, there are alternative procedures such as fillers and laser therapy, which result in a similar effect as deep peels. However, they require maintenance and can be more expensive. Fillers cost about $300 – $1500, which is more than the cost of a single deep chemical peel.

Does a  More Expensive Chemical Peel Provide Better Results?

Yes! Generally, more expensive chemical peels produce a better result than the less expensive ones. For instance, light chemical peels will give only a fraction of a deep peel’s effect, and at a lower price too.

You should bear in mind that although deep chemical peels produce a better result, it does not suit every skin problem. Your skin condition may only require a light chemical peel procedure. The only time you’ll need a more advanced procedure is when you have significant sun damage or ageing.

Cost of Maintaining Chemical Peels

Chemical peels can provide lasting changes to your skin, but the results need to be maintained regularly. The effects of a medium peel, for instance, may last up to ten years if properly maintained. You can choose to get chemical peels routinely, say monthly or annually, to keep the peel’s effect. Note that the cost of maintenance is part of the cost of chemical peels.

Another thing that affects the cost of maintaining a chemical peel’s effect is the skincare products you’re required to buy after the procedure. The anti-ageing skincare products are essential to keep your skin free of wrinkles and blemishes caused by ageing.

The peel costs themselves may be a one-time cost, but you always have to restock the additionally recommended products. This can add to the total figure you will spend on your skin. Finally, the cost of maintenance can also be affected by the frequency of performing the procedure.

Related Article: Chemical Peel Vs. Laser Resurfacing Treatments

Frequency of Chemical Peel Treatments

If you’re wondering, “how many chemical peel sessions do I need?” there’s no direct answer for this. The frequency at which you undergo chemical peel depends on the type of peel and how severe your skin condition is.

You can repeat light peels as often as every month, but you can only repeat medium peels at three to six months intervals. For deep peels, you can only perform one during your entire life because it is a procedure that permanently alters the treated skin’s properties.

Winkles that result from ageing and sun damage may require a one-time deep chemical peel. However, skin lightening and smoothening may require repeated light or medium peel sessions.

Mild acne scars can be treated using multiple sessions of light peels, while medium peels may be more effective for more severe scars. Atrophic scars (ice pick) may be treated using the CROSS technique. The technique targets individual spots, breaks up the tissue, and reconstructs it to give an even skin. However, it also requires multiple treatments, usually spread over six months.

Recovery after a Chemical Peel Procedure

You’ll need to strictly follow your treatment provider’s instructions to increase the chances of a quick recovery and reduce the risk of complications.

Your treatment provider will generally instruct you to avoid wearing makeup and stay out of the sun for about two weeks. Ideally, you’ll need a sunblock with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher before going outside.

skin protection

You will notice some side effects that last for only a few days after the procedure, depending on the peel’s strength and your skin type. Light and medium peels can result in temporary skin redness, flaking and peeling, stinging and burning sensations, and skin colour changes. Luckily, most of these side effects are minor and last only a few days. However, deeper peels can result in more complicated side effects like blisters, scabs, and skin peeling for up to two weeks.

Your treatment provider may prescribe oral steroids, ointments, creams, or dressings if you have a severe reaction. Bear in mind that your treated skin is now very delicate and susceptible to injuries; take extra care of it.

The daily skincare products recommended by your medical aesthetician are essential to the healing process. Ensure you follow the treatment regimen strictly and report any abnormality you notice to your beauty care provider.

Financing Chemical Peel Procedure

While some patients can cover the cost of chemical peels without breaking a sweat, most people may not be able to do so. Fortunately, banks and established healthcare lenders can help you cover part or all the cost of a chemical peel procedure.

Many financial institutions also give loans for aesthetic procedures. Most medical spas in the Toronto area now allow their patients to cover the cost of chemical peels in installments over several months.

Does Insurance Cover Chemical Peel Cost?

Unless the chemical peel is meant to treat precancerous growth, insurance companies merely consider it an aesthetic/cosmetic procedure. As such, health insurance rarely covers it.

If it is performed to remove a precancerous growth, there are chances the health insurance will cover it. Check with your insurance company to know if they will cover your chemical peel procedure’s cost.

Choosing a Chemical Peel Treatment Provider

Your skin condition and treatment goal will likely determine the specific chemical treatment provider you’ll need. For anti-ageing procedures, you’ll need the services of a medical aesthetician because they have more experience with this particular type of procedure. Remember, your choice of treatment provider can also influence the cost of chemical peels.

Here are a few tips for choosing your chemical peel treatment provider:

  • Review their educational qualifications, credentials, training, number, types of certification and their proficiency at performing chemical peels.
  • Check before-and-after photos of previous patients with similar skin conditions who have worked with the expert in the past.
  • Enquire about the type of chemical peel to be used, the side effects, and strength.
  • Ask about the number of treatments you’ll need to achieve your treatment goal and maintain the treated skin.
  • Find out the type and how much support you get during your healing stage. The support may be via phone, email, or physical contact.
  • Ask for the pre-operative and post-operative instructions for your treatment.

Why Chemical Peels are Worth the Hype

Anyone who has had any skin blemishes like terrible acne or rough skin for most of their lives will always appreciate an opportunity to look spotless. You’ll find out that chemical peels are worth looking into, especially after you see proof from patients who have undergone the procedure before.

We recommend you talk to your aesthetician about whether a chemical peel will benefit you. They can also help you decide if the cost of chemical peels is worth it. Most patients who have gone through the procedure will agree that it is worth it, especially when they look at themselves in the mirror after completing the healing process.

Related Article: What is a PCA Chemical Peel?

Final Thoughts

Are chemical peels expensive? The answer depends on the type that suits your skin condition, and other factors discussed earlier. The result you desire for your skin treatment procedure also significantly determines the cost of a chemical peel.

If you’re wondering if the cost of chemical peels is worth it, any patient who has done the procedure before will affirm to you that it is. You may choose to opt for multiple sessions of the relatively affordable light peels or a single session of the more expensive types with more long-lasting and dramatic results.

Before concluding on which of the types of chemical peels to perform, be sure to check with your treatment provider first to help you decide if you’re fit to undergo the procedure.

They’ll also help you choose the type of peel that will help you achieve your goal quicker. At Canada MedLaser, our experts can answer any questions you have about chemical peels. Contact us today to learn more!


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