Chemical Peels for Acne Scars: Can They Really Help?

Chemical Peels for Acne Scars: Can They Really Help? Blog Cover

Acne scar removal is often achieved through chemical peel treatments or laser therapy. Just like any other medical undertaking, careful considerations must be made about its benefits versus any possible disadvantages one may encounter. Let’s uncover how chemical peel works towards reducing acne scarring while exploring its success rate and offering valuable information about what you can expect throughout this skin treatment.

What are chemical peels?

It is a cosmetic treatment that involves applying a chemical solution to the skin, which causes it to exfoliate and eventually peel off. The new layer tends to be smoother, less wrinkled and has a more uniform tone after the skin has completely sloughed off. Chemical peel treatments are commonly used to treat acne scars as well as other skin issues such as wrinkles, sun damage, and hyperpigmentation.

How Do Chemical Peels Help with Acne Scars?

Firstly, they can help remove the top layer of damaged skin, which can reduce the appearance of scars. Secondly, they can stimulate the growth of new skin cells, which can improve the overall texture and tone of the skin. Chemical peels can also help unclog pores, which can reduce the likelihood of future breakouts.

Types of Chemical Peels for Acne Scars

There are several types of chemical peels that can be used to treat acne scars. These include: 

  1. Superficial peels can offer an ideal solution. By targeting only the outermost layer of skin and utilizing ingredients like alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), particularly glycolic acid, these gentle peels can effectively enhance your overall complexion for individuals hoping to reduce the appearance of mild acne scars. 
  1. Moderate acne scars can be effectively treated using medium peels. With their formulation of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) or a blend of TCA and glycolic acid, these types of peels can penetrate deeper into the skin for superior results.
  1. Individuals seeking a solution for treating severe acne scarring may want to check out deep peel options. With its capacity for harnessing potent ingredients, this type of chemical peel can reach deeper layers within the epidermis. It is essential, though, to remember that opting for deep peels means acknowledging their intrinsic invasiveness and allowing sufficient healing time following treatment.
Woman looking in the mirror

Risks and Side Effects

Like any cosmetic treatment, chemical peels come with some risks and side effects. These can include redness, swelling, scarring, and infection. It’s important to choose a qualified and experienced aesthetician to perform your chemical peel and to follow their aftercare instructions carefully to reduce the risk of complications. Anybody can do a chemical peel at home, but it’s highly recommended to seek professional help to properly apply the solution on your skin. Improper application can cause long-term results and further damage to your current skin concerns.

Is a chemical peel right for you?

Making the decision to undergo a chemical peel treatment as an effective approach to helping reduce acne scars necessitates getting advice from an experienced professional from Canada MedLaser nearest your location. Chemical peels have contraindications that may preclude those with specified dermatological concerns or on specific medication regimens, making them unsuitable candidates for this treatment. An expert aesthetician from Canada MedLaser, will evaluate your skin’s health and offer an appropriate procedure customized specifically for you.

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